So needless to say it is one of our favorite months of the year! Letter writing lives and we celebrate our love of snail mail with happenings all month long. Here's a few ways to get involved. Happy Mail starts here:
Write_On Challenge we are participating in the National challenge to write 30 Letters in 30 Days. Who will you write to? We can get you started with our Weekly Giveaway - Each week we will be giving away kits that features letterpress Write_On cards, a Jellyroll pen and Stamp Out Hate stickers. Here’s how to get yours: participate in our Facebook giveaway each week or follow us on Instagram and tag two of your friends in our weekly letter writing tips post.
Stamp Out Hate – As a proud member of the Letter Writers Alliance, we are participating in their Stamp Out Hate Initiative. Stamp Out Hate is a project devoted to spreading hope through the mail. It aims to encourage people to send letters of hope, healing, and happiness to those who need to know that they are not alone.
Every month, Stamp Out Hate features a new call to action encouraging you to send positive letters out into the world. These small acts of kindness are truly important. April's action is to send notes to LGBTQ centers and support organizations. You can find free downloads on the Stamp Out Hate website and some suggested addresses as well. Together, we will make a difference. Together, we can make things better. Thank you for joining us. Be kind. Try hard. Send hope.
Letters for Positive Change – The Tampa Bay Letter Writers will be hosting a social on Saturday April 29th 9am – 11am . This event is free and open to the public. They will be showing and sharing how you can write letters for positive change. This can be to local representatives or any governing entities and organizations that can affect change. All materials will be provided. Lists as well as supplies to write postcards and letters.
The Art of Letter Writing Workshop - In this workshop we will discuss how a new snail mail movement is happening around the globe. Participants will discover the beauty of lovely crafted letter writing tools; write with a beautiful fountain pen; type on a vintage typewriter; and get creative with envelopes, labels, and vintage postage. Lastly, we will discuss how to find like-minded enthusiasts including pen pals and letter writing clubs. Your kit materials include: Tomoe River paper, Life paper, envelopes, ephemera, address labels, postage and more. Taught by Letter Writers Alliance member and co-founder of The Tampa Bay Letter Writers Club, Tammy Wright. April 29th Saturday 1-4p. Reserve your spot now.