The Paper Seahorse I Love Cursive Contest

Celebrate the joys of handwriting by entering our I Love Cursive Contest. This penmanship event will be judged by qualified handwriting expert and Director of the American Cursive Instructor Certification Program, Marie Hornback. Our goal is to get more people writing and learning cursive, to slow down and enjoy a mindful and relaxing activity.

Your handwriting is unique to you and it is something you should love. Being proud of this beautiful art form is easy, it just takes practice. It makes you smarter and you can express yourself faster than printing. The physical act of long hand enables you to really think about what you are wanting to say and express yourself clearer.

This first annual contest is open to all ages. There are five categories you can submit in:

    • Grade School (Grades 3 - 5 or Grades 6 - 8)
    • High School / Adult
    • Special Needs (or additional needs) individuals who require assistance for disabilities that may be medical, mental, or psychological. Also referred to as SEN or SEND.

There will be one winner in each category, a runner up and honorable mention. They will be announced on January 23rd 2022, National Handwriting Day!

Each winner will receive a certificate and handwriting goodies to continue their journey. This contest open to participants in the United States and across the globe. Entries must be in English.

Start practicing and good luck!

Here is how to enter:

1. Write a half page to full page in cursive. We encourage you to tell us what you learned from this year and how the pandemic affected you. You may also write your favorite poem, a story or tell us why you love handwriting.

2. Include your name, address, age and what category you are submitting to. Only one category per person.

3. Snail mail it to us:

The Paper Seahorse  I Love Cursive Contest
211 South Howard Avenue
Tampa, Florida 33606

or you may scan and email your entry to

4. All entries must be received by January 16th end of day. No exceptions.

5. Winner will be announced on National Handwriting Day 2022.


Learn more about handwriting teacher and expert Marie Hornback here.

See the results of this year's winners: 2021 I Love Cursive Contest here.