Self-Preservation: Nourishing Our Mind, Body and Spirit

Conscious Choices: Self-care, self-awareness, self-reflection

When we start to curate new pathways of being, we break old patterns. We rewire ourselves to be the change we want to see in the world. It starts with checking in with ourselves: how do we feel? what do we need? what do we want? Taking time for a quiet pause, a mindful moment, brings inner calm and peace. Clarity is easier to attain and thus we make better decisions. What will you do to honor yourself this month? It all begins with us and our self awareness. Go create a good foundation and let your light shine a bit brighter.

Take time to focus on YOU. Just a few minutes a day of checking in with yourself will help you feel more grounded and centered. 

Self care is giving yourself permission to make your spirit happy. It is also self preservation. Here are some things I find help nourish me:

1. Sleep - at least 7 - 9 hours is what most people need.

2. You Are What You Eat - superfoods, green tea, eat the rainbow

3. Mental Health - acknowledge and talk about anything that bothers you, it is real and you must address it. And stop negative patterns of thinking. Embrace self-praise rather than criticism.  

4. Get outside - fresh air and sunshine, being in natures cures all

5. Move, Stretch and Dance Through Life 
6. Emotional Health - be more vulnerable. Feelings are for feeling

7. Pampering - be kind to yourself and activate all your senses during a facial, massage, mani/pedi, a bath

8. Hobbies — we all need balance, activities we do just for fun: journaling, letter writing, reading, listening to records, cooking, making, etc.

9. Unplug and go analog - enjoy a digital detox for a few hours or a day.

10. Gratitude Is The New Attitude - practicing gratefulness is one of the fastest ways to increase satisfaction in life. Be thankful for one thing right now.
What are you going to do this month to start taking care of you? Let us know and remember our conscious decisions and how we spend our days, well that is how we live our life. Make it a good one.
Be well, 