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SPECIAL EVENT: Letter Writing Social - Mail Art

Calling anyone who loves writing and keeping in touch. Join us for a letter writing social that is free and open to the public. We have several a year and this Spring event is featuring mail art! So many cool things to learn and try your hand out. Discover the origins, see amazing examples and more. This is a great social for young letter writers to get them started in the world of snail mail!

Registration required so that we can prepare. All materials provided. 

This event is sponsored by The Tampa Bay Letter Writers.

About the Tampa Bay Letter Writers
This group is dedicated to those interested in letter writing, snail mail, and mail art. Our goal is to keep putting pen to paper, typing, and keeping the written word alive. This includes all forms of correspondence. We host regular letter writing socials and special events throughout Tampa Bay. We look forward to meeting everyone and bringing the joys of letter writing to as many folks as possible. Everybody brings something to share and we have a monthly theme. We meet that last Saturday of the month in person and online. Locations vary. If you’d like to join us throughout the year there is an annual membership fee of $50.



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