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We Celebrate National Card, Letter Writing & Poetry Month

April 01, 2015

WRITING EXPO DAY will be on Saturday April 25th from 9am - 6pm.  It is a special day filled with classes and a free community event!

9 11a Creative Writing Class - Learn about poetry and creative writing techniques as well as the craft of finding your voice as a writer. 

12 – 1p Typewriter 101 Class - Interactive and hands-on: how to use a typewriter, maintaining one and tips for what to look for when buying one.

1 – 3p Introduction to Mail Art Class - Let's make snail mail! Learn history, explore different kinds, use vintage ephemera as well as modern materials to create your own letters and postcards.  All material included. 

3 6p Type In & Letter Writing Community Social (Free & open to the public):

Watch a screening of the documentary “Making Mail”

Try your hand at lettering

Get crafty with a mail art make & take

Receive letter and card writing tipSpecial guest Tampa Type will be on hand with their typing bar: here’s your chance to type on  typewriters from the 20s to the 60s

Bring your own typewriters and share the joy with others (your writers will be happy to be taken for a walk!)

Enjoy inspiration, refreshments and meet like-minded creative

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