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Pilot Workshop

August 25, 2012

We just completed our pilot workshop!  In keeping with our theme of "Write More Letters,"  we learned to make two different cards and envelopes.  

We made gorgeous summer flower cards that were layered using felt, fabric and paper.  We also made a fun and easy butterfly card that seemed to be floating and ready to take flight.  The last craft was all about envelopes, lining them and making them from scratch, using found materials like calendars, magazines and old sheet music.

We enjoyed delicious fresh rolls, a special summer drink designed by Adri (that really got the creative juices flowing), and munched on cookies all afternoon.

Thanks to everyone who came to support us and take the survey.  As we begin this journey, everyone's perspective helps immensely.


Our first card making kit

Using vibrant and contrasting colors, no two were alike.  

Using vibrant and contrasting colors, no two were alike.  


Funky and fresh butterflies

Funky and fresh butterflies

We were full at 10 people, and have a waiting list for the next class!  

We were full at 10 people, and have a waiting list for the next class!  


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