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Back To Basics: Or The Year I Went Analog

September 01, 2020

You can live life in black and white or you can live in color. Right now our lives need a bit more color. 

blackwing colored pencils at the paper seahorse

Color your world a bit, let the light in. Let creativity, drawing and writing help you cope with the COVID-19 reality we are living.

I realize I have been getting back to the basics and rediscovering what life was like before. Before technology and the speed of light changed how we think and behave. Before oversharing and knowing things immediately. I remember anticipation, (like the ketchup commercial) I remember savoring things like laying in the yard or pool and looking up at the sky, watching the clouds drift by. I remember sitting on aluminum lawn chairs in the summer and watching for shooting stars, for hours. Making wishes and feeling lucky. Imagine doing that now, our attention spans are that of a gnat.  

The gift of space and time creates more appreciation, patience, makes me calmer, freer and happier.

I say analog all the way! Lately I have felt like a little kid, it has been refreshing to have time slow down, less to do and finding joy in the little things. I hope it sticks and I hope more people discover what I am. That life is meant to be savored, that is where they joy is. If you blink its over. There is way too much beauty and joy to let that happen. 
Take the time to color your world by writing a letter, starting art journaling, or maybe just get calmer. Slow down and savor. Go analog and get back to basics.
Won't you join us and take a quarantine pledge to make 2020 the year you went analog? 

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