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Be Free: Joyspotting

February 05, 2022

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to fly? Free as a bird. Soaring up above and having the vantage point of seeing the world below? We all need to spread our wings and feel free. Try something new, experience a whole new way of being, even if for a moment. That is what joy is. A flash of something wonderful. Mesmerizing. A celebration of life in an instant. A feeling of gratitude. A splash of wow. We are sharing some gifts of gratitude and joy with you this month. Share them with someone you love. Be free with your love always.

Find out more about joy in this amazing Ted Talk. It is easier to see and feel joy and how to do it will surprise you. Ingrid tell us Where Joy Lies and How To Find It:


Download her JOYSPOTTING guide for free. We are so grateful for Ingrid and her web site: www.aestheticsofjoy.com

My word last year was JOY, it was at times so hard and I wrote it in my journal everyday for 365 days. I was able to experience it many times. Maybe that is the gift of having awful things happen is that you then get to appreciate the little things, you start to realize joy is all around you, you just have to look for it.

Share with us what you find and how it changes your life. Be free to find joy.

Yours in joy,


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