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Happy 3rd Anniversary to The Paper Seahorse

October 01, 2018

anatomy of a paper seahorse

You can do a lot in 36 months:

• Start a letter writing club, an origami group and a journaling meet up

• Sponsor three ETSY Craft Parties

• Teach Victorian paper crafts at three Henry B. Plant Museum picnics

• Assemble the largest collection of vintage typewriters for sale and rent in the Southeastern United States

• Have three World Typewriter Day Type-Ins

• Create a writing bar experience for over 1,700 people with 30+ typewriters

• Host the Tampa Type writing bar at four Oxford Exchange Book Fairs

• Teach The Art of Paper Crafting at Disney World’s International Festival of the Arts

• Host local artists and makers at Makers Market Tampa, three times

• Bring an international paper flower artist to Tampa for three workshops

• Bring a celebrated calligrapher from Colorado, whom you met through
Instagram, to teach

• Bring a world-renowned master penman to teach Spencerian calligraphy and cursive handwriting

• Provide over 100 creative classes with a team of 40 teachers to hundreds of students 

• Design a best-selling calligraphy kit 

• Curate artisanal goods from all over the globe in a magical space where folks can take a digital detox

• Fill a 1917 bungalow with good cheer and community for over 1,000 days

Whew! We are thrilled to be a part of the growing community in Tampa and in a stunning state we love, Florida! We are honored to have had this opportunity to create a space filled with love, creativity and mindfulness; and to provide the analog tools to slow down and take a digital detox. We look forward to what the next 36 months will bring...

If you would like to learn more, please get a copy of our very first 'zine, "Hippocampus", and get inspired by the people who made it all happen.

Hippocampus Zine by The Paper Seahorse

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