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National Letter Writing Inspiration #1: Learn to Make a Snail Mail Notebook Mailer

March 31, 2017

So excited to be sharing the first inspirational video in a series that helps celebrate National Letter Writing Month this year.  Each week we are posting a fun, informative video that encourages you to write more letters, enhance connections with others and do good in the world.

This week, we partnered up with Skylar Hand who shares a love of letter writing here in Florida.  From Palm Bay she is showing us a fun way to correspond with a pen pal.  She has created a snail mailer that is sent back and forth between two pals.  I call it a traveling notebook!  Its fun to embellish and decorate a book, write a letter and then send it off.  Imagine if it was a few family members or a few friends with common interests...you could share a joint writing or art project, keep in touch with family members instead of always posting on Facebook, or even write a story and each person writes a chapter.  The possibilities are endless!

Next week, we will be giving you more hints and tips on what to put in this fun snail mail traveling notebook. Until then, enjoy this neat idea, thanks Skylar.


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