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So Many Reasons to Write in 2018

March 30, 2018

April is a special month for us for so many reasons! Even though letter writing should be a year round past time, we encourage folks to write more or start a wonderful habit during this month. Letter writing has so many benefits, read about them in this earlier blog post. So what's so special about April? It is:

National Letter Writing Month
National Stationery Week (week of April 24th)
World Stationery Day (April 25th)

snail mail

We are often asked how do I get started in the world of snail mail? Here are some of our favorite reasons to write this April...

1. The Parkland Incident hit close to home as it is right here in Florida. The outpouring of letters was astounding. They don't need more letters but they need action. Here is one way they would like everyone to help encourage sensible gun laws. Putting pen to paper can make a positive impact on gun control legislation.


2. Military, First Responders and Overseas letters 

Express your gratitude to those who tirelessly keep us safe in so many ways. We could never tell them enough how much we appreciate their bravery and commitment. Here's how to get started.


3. Local Non-Profits in Your Town

Our local pick is the Alpha House. This is Tampa Bay's resource for homeless, single pregnant women in transition. First it empowers women in need and secondly it helps those unborn or small children get a leg up in life. Whatever your passion or cause, remember a note or two of encouragement in your community is the best place to start.

4. Friends and Family

You probably have friends or family that might be going through something and a smile in the mail could go a long way.  Reach out and fill their mailbox with love, it makes those bills pale in comparison.

These are just a few reasons to write. We encourage you to look for or start a letter writing group in your own area. We can help you, learn more in this blog post. 

Long live snail mail!



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