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The Postmans Knock visits the studio!

December 07, 2016


Last weekend we had a very special guest teacher here, Lindsey Bugbee from The Postmans Knock.  She came and taught three workshops on Modern Calligraphy.  It was amazing to have her here and learn first hand some of her tips and tricks.  Personally, my big take away was the wooden oblique holder.  I had only ever used the plastic ones and honestly, wasn't sure I had any talent for calligraphy.  Then I used this custom holder that was part of my kit.  IT WAS A GAME CHANGER.  I now know feel that I will be able to continue and actually enjoy calligraphy like I had hoped. (My niece preferred the straight holder and took to the whole thing like a fish to water. )

I am just grateful to Lindsey and that workshop.  Then just today, I read her new blog post, 5 Ways To Stop Being Your Own Worst Creative Critic and she mentioned my experience.  I'd like to share that with you here.

So for those of you who doubt your creative abilities like I did, chin up, maybe you just don't have the right gear!  We hope to carry wooden ones in the shop very soon! What else would you like to see in the shop?

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