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We All Need Head Space. Write Here. Write Now.

July 31, 2021

Write Here. Write Now.  

Go with the slow and sip life. Find solace in space, the mental kind of head space so you may process all that happens in life. Everyone needs some quiet brain time off, space to think and feel. I find that writing helps get all that stuff out of my head. All of the to do lists, the appointments and overwhelming things, seem much more manageable when it is down on paper. I feel freer so I may move on and not be weighed down by the mere thought of them.

August is Mental Health Awareness Month. Something we should all talk about, ask ourselves how we are doing, and ask others how they are doing. Regular check ins are healthy and easy to do. Reach out to someone even if you think they are doing okay, you might be surprised. Ask yourself at least once or twice a day. What do you need? What do you want? What would make you feel good?

Journaling and letter writing create a place where you can find space in your life. A few minutes to slow down and unplug from the digital world. A moment to exhale, let go and just be. There are many ways to journal and you can try a few of our getting started favorites by downloading our Journaling 101 pdf.

I have been doing Morning Pages for several years now and wonder how I got by without it before? I probably did some form of journaling but never as a healthy, daily ritual with green tea...I enjoy Japanese green tea, the flow of a fountain pen on luscious paper where my thoughts tumble out sometimes faster than I can write. Cognitive release and insights are the rewards.

Write here, write now, we hope you pick up a pen and say something on a page… 

Enjoy and free your mind,


Download The Beginner’s Guide to Journaling here and try it for yourself. Throw some ink on paper and get that stuff outta your head.

Credit: Clearwater Beach Tourism Sunset beach photo.

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