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What is Analog?

February 06, 2020

For some of us, it's a question that has never been met with a real answer:

What exactly is analog?

Analog is about much more than just a buzzword - or another way to tell time. Analog is both a mindset and a way to bring your thoughts directly into the real world.

Words in The Real World

Analog is, at its core, about the physicality of writing, something that is often lost in the present day, offered up as a sacrifice upon the altar of incessant efficiency. Writing analog is the feeling you get writing while screen-free. Analog is the scratching of a nib across quality stacks of paper, the satisfaction of watching shavings peel away from your pencil as you sharpen it, the pleasant hum of typewriter keys leaving real ink on real paper in the real world.

These tangible acts of creative expression come with an amazing increased sense of accomplishment and ownership for the writer.

Digital Detox


These physical actions also tie directly into our minds, anchoring our writing to our thoughts. Getting away from the omnipresent screens in our lives can allow for the cleansing of our minds from the stresses of our lives spelled out in Times New Roman through harsh blue light. This digital detox provides a much needed retreat from the in-your-face world of the Internet and spotlights the creative part of us that can otherwise be left on the sidelines.


Slowing down to enjoy analog writing and typing can soothe a mind overwhelmed by screens and even help your productivity if you’re struggling with creative blockage. If you’re looking for a way to slow down, step out of the forest of screens and get your creative juices flowing, analog writing might be the wonder medicine you’ve been searching for.

From our desk to yours, best wishes, much love, and happy writing!

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